Good afternoon, We mentioned in a previous post we receive an average of 200 reports a week from residents of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight who have been scammed. The vast majority of those start with a simple phone call from an unexpected call, from an unknown or withheld phone number. Ideally, don't answer the phone to unexpected calls from unknown/withheld numbers. If you've already answered, remember: Prevention: If this message isn't relevant to you, please share it with someone who might be interested.
If you've been affected by a crime please contact Victim Care Hub for free, confidential support: Home - Hampshire Victim Care Hub (hampshireiowvictimcare.co.uk) or phone 0808 178 1641 If you would like to report a crime anonymously please contact: Independent UK charity taking crime information anonymously | Crimestoppers (crimestoppers-uk.org) or phone 0800 555 111 Hampshire Alerts is not a crime reporting portal – please do not report crime here. If you realise you’ve been scammed and wish to report a fraud that has already happened, please report it to Action Fraud either phone 0300 123 2040 or online at: Action Fraud If a crime is in progress, and/or you are in fear for yourself or someone else, and/or there is evidence in situ that could be damaged/destroyed, please phone 999 immediately. Otherwise, report online, or find out about other ways to report a crime at: Report a crime | Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary Thank you – Fraud Safeguarding Team
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