Hi Resident
If you find this information helpful please “rate” this message at the bottom (very quick and simple).
Dear Residents, Officers from South Wight Neighbourhood Police Team will be holding a Beat Surgery on Friday 1st Nov from 10.00 – 10.45 at Shanklin Post Office, 42 Regent Street . We will be available to offer any help or advice . You may have seen recently that Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary have launched a new initiative called Let's Talk, which you can also complete with us to let us know what your local issues are in your area. This is a great opportunity to speak face to face to officers in an informal and relaxed environment no matter what your issue or question may be. If there is anything else that you feel would be useful and should be included then please let us know.
By emailing me on south.wight.police@hampshire.pnn.police.uk
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