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Criminal damage update

Good afternoon.

 I wanted to provide you with an update regarding the investigation into a series of criminal damage offences which occurred in Petersfield town centre over the bank holiday 31/03/24.

I can now confirm that two men, aged 19 and 18, have both received a conditional caution for causing criminal damage to property. Part of the caution requires the two offenders to pay over £1000 in compensation to their victims as well as write a formal letter of apology to the local community. When complete, I intend to publish their apology letters no social media for the local public to read. The men will also be recommended for inclusion in the local Pub Watch scheme which bans them from all licenced premises in Petersfield for a specified period of time.

Sergeant Rees said:

"My team have worked hard collating the all the available evidence from witness accounts, CCTV and interviews which has inevitably taken some time. At the Petersfield Annual Town Council meeting I promised the community I would ensure those responsible would be made to put right the harm they have caused. I feel that the issuing of these cautions will do just that.

I am sure most people have made poor decisions when under the influence of alcohol, however there is no place for this mindless behaviour in our community. I am glad those responsible have been made to answer for their actions and will perhaps be reminded to drink responsibly in the future."


                                                  Take care

                                         PCSO Almy Toogood 





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Message Sent By
Almera Toogood
(Police, PCSO, East Hants)

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