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Neighbourhood Watch Scheme

Good afternoon All


Since joining the Eastleigh Central Team (From Chandlers Ford Team) it has become apparent that the Neighbourhood Watch (NHW) schemes could do with some building up.


Your lovely NHW Chair - Claire Wills works really hard but for the scheme to maximise potential they need more residents to sign up.


Each area has a co-ordinator, and that co-ordinator is then the point of contact for their own area and will be invited to attend meetings with partners such as the Police. 


Lots of you already have Whats App groups, which is half the work already done. By becoming a member you can share knowledge with residents on the Whats App groups.


You can either join as a standard NHW member, or offer to become your area co-ordinator. 


To contact Claire Wills please email chair@eastleighnhw.org.uk


We will be holding a meeting for Co-ordinators and Police soon, invites will be sent by Claire to Co-Ordinators.


While i have you, please could i ask for you to point your neighbours towards Hampshire Alerts? It would be great to have more of you signed up to receive messages such as there.

Thank you and take care.




Home - Eastleigh Neighbourhood Watch Association (eastleighnhw.org.uk)


Eastleigh Central | Your area | Hampshire Constabulary | Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary


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Message Sent By
Victoria Hadden
(Police, PCSO, Eastleigh Central)

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