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Busy Weekend for South Wight NPT

Hi  Resident

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I hope you have all enjoyed a glorious bank holiday weekend!

It has been a busy weekend for South Wight Neighbourhoods Policing Team in the Bay!

We continue to concentrate on the Priority’s set by you – to reduce ASB, to disrupt the use and supply of Controlled Drugs and to deal with Road Traffic Offences.

We have been out on foot and cycle patrols in Ventnor, Lake, Shanklin and Sandown all weekend. 

We responded to a report of a female committing public order offences in Sandown this morning and detained a Suspect nearby who has since been released but remain's under investigation.

Our team located a large group on Sandown Seafront who were causing a significant disturbance and drinking alcohol to excess in the are protected by a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO). This order gives Police Constables and PCSO’s the power to seize and destroy alcohol from those causing or likely to cause disorder. Officers seized and destroyed alcohol from the group and then used our Dispersal Powers granted by the Duty Inspector (Section 35 of the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014) to move the group away from the area for a period of up to 48hrs.

We arrested a 42 year old male from Sandown on suspicion of Public Order Act offences in the High Street, Sandown. He was later released, reported for summons and dispersed from Sandown for 48hrs.

PC Carey, the Designated Officer for Ventnor and Shanklin, reported a driver to Magistrates for driving otherwise than in accordance with his licence and having no insurance.

The team has completed several stop searches under Section 23 of the Misuse of Drugs Act in various locations throughout the bay.

PC Trickey, the Designated Officer for Sandown and Lake, has issued an ASB Closure Warning Notice to an address in Sandown which has been linked to significant crime and disorder in the last 3 months – if the warning notice is not adhered to, we will seek to make an application to the Courts to forcibly close the address for up to 3 months (which can be extended to 6 months). 

We also supported our District Patrol Team to locate and support a young man who needed medical attention on Shanklin Revetment. The young man has been safely located and treated by officers and our amazing colleagues from Isle of Wight Ambulance service.

All the Best
South Wight Neighbourhoods Policing Team 


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Message Sent By
Jackie May
(Hampshire Constabulary, PCSO, Isle of wight)

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