The Police
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"You said, we did" - Hightown Rd Speed Watch

Good afternoon, 


As part of our “you said, we did” operation we have carried out speed watch on Hightown Road. 


The results are as follows:


Results from today Thursday 16th May at Hightown Road 3-4pm

  • 157 total vehicles counted
  • 28 speeding (31+ mph) = 18% 
  • 5 of those 'recordable' (35+ mph) = 3%
  • 0 doing 40mph or more
  • Next Session Plan: Wednesday 13th June 2024, 3-4pm, Crow Lane


    Kind regards


    PC Bigland 28455

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    Message Sent By
    Ian Bigland
    (Hampshire & Isle of Wight Constabulary, PC, Ringwood)

    Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials