The Police
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Good afternoon, 


We would like to Alert you to an increase in Burglaries in the Basingstoke rural area.  These four males were in the Burghclere area at about 03:45 am on the 16th MAY.  They were targeting a container that had Horse Tack and a Quad bike in it.  


One of the males is very tall and stands out due to his height.  They were scared off by the owner who released her dogs.  

It is suspected that they had a car parked around the corner on a byway.


These crimes nearly always have some sort of advance recce, where the offenders are looking to see what might be available to steal.  So please make sure you report suspicious people and incidents.  This early information may help us link other similar incidents and help us to decide where to patrol.


Please see the attached images of vehicles and suspects. 


PC Bigland 28455


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Message Sent By
Ian Bigland
(Hampshire & Isle of Wight Constabulary, PC, Ringwood)

Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials